
Vape shops open in two UK hospitals to help smokers kick the habit.
E-cigarette use continues to rise, with 6.3% of British adults vaping in 2018, up from 5.5% the previous year, according to figures analysed by NHS Digital earlier this month.

NHS hospitals should sell e-cigarettes, says Government agency.
Hospitals should stock e-cigarettes for sale to patients and permit “vaping” in private rooms as part of the NHS ”smoke free” efforts, according to health chiefs.

NHS hospitals should sell e-cigarettes, says Government agency
E liquidE-CigsFor SaleHospitalsNHSPublic Health EnglandSmokersSmokingVapeVapersVapingVaping Shelterse-cigaretteseliquid
Smoking shelters should become "vaping lounges" for less risky e-cigarette use, NHS bosses said.

Study Squashes Fears Over Secondhand Exposure To Vaping
CigaretteDr. Mauro ScungioE-CigsElectronic CigarettesJournal of Aerosol ScienceSmokersSmokingVapersVapingVapour
A forthcoming study investigating the health impact of aerosol vapour emitted from Electronic Cigarettes shows it poses no meaningful secondhand risks.

The British Psychological Society endorses Vaping
British Psychological SocietyColin MendelsohnDr Colin MendelsohnE-CicarettesE-JuiceE-LiquidE-LiquidsQuitSmokersVapeVapersVaping
The British Psychological Society releases a statement supporting the role of E-Cigarettes for helping smokers to quit.

Switching to E-Cigarettes could save 6.6 million American smokers
In an analysis of potential health benefits of getting smokers to quit tobacco, the researchers found that those 6.6 million people who switched to vaping would live for a collective total of up to 86.7 million extra years.

More Evidence Suggests E-Cigarettes Help Some Smokers Quit
“Results revealed that greater frequency of e-cigarette use beyond ever use [using one at least once] and especially with 20 or more days of use in the past month was strongly associated with both having made a quit attempt and a greater likelihood of three months or more of cigarette smoking cessation,”

Researcher claims 'academic McCarthyism' over e-cigarettes
Dr Konstantinos FarsalinosE-CigE-CigarettesE-LiquidHeraldQuitScotlandSmokersSmokingTobaccoVapeVaping
A leading E-Cigarette scientist has defended links between the Tobacco and Vaping industries.

Smoking numbers hit new low as Britons turn to Vaping to help quit cigarettes
New data reveals a significant decline in number of smokers over last five years, while the daily number of cigarettes consumed has also fallen

Vaping is 'far safer than smoking'
New research found those who switched to Vaping had reduced toxins and carcinogens in their bodies.

Vaping, E-Cigarettes, and Public Policy Toward Alternatives to Smoking
Policymakers should be mindful of the extensive research that supports tobacco harm reduction and understand that bans, excessive regulations, or high taxes on e-cigarettes could encourage smokers to stay with more-harmful traditional cigarettes.

42% of smokers will quit smoking with the aid of E-Cigarettes
A recent survey that took place in America has revealed some fascinating facts about Vaping and how it fits into the task of trying to quit smoking. Does it make it easier for people to quit for good? According to the results, it would seem this is indeed the case. The study was conducted by the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health of the University of California in San Diego. It took place across a two-year period and explored how successful smokers were in quitting with or without t

E-Cigarette use linked to successful attempts to quit smoking.
Growth in the use of E-Cigarettes in England has been associated with a higher rate of successful attempts to quit smoking, reveals a study published by The BMJ (British Medical Journal) today.

E-Cigarettes do help smokers quit
Rigorous assessment of available evidence on E-Cigarettes