The British Psychological Society endorses Vaping
British Psychological SocietyColin MendelsohnDr Colin MendelsohnE-CicarettesE-JuiceE-LiquidE-LiquidsQuitSmokersVapeVapersVaping
The British Psychological Society releases a statement supporting the role of E-Cigarettes for helping smokers to quit.
Evidence over prejudice, ending the anti vaping hysteria
Beltway ConfidentialE-CigsE-LiquidsElectronic CigarettesFDAGuy BentleyScott GottliebUSAVapeVapingWashington Examiner
Studies have consistently shown vaping to be far less hazardous than smoking with the Royal College of Physicians concluding the risks of vaping are unlikely to exceed 5 percent of those of smoking.
European Ban On E-Liquid In Bottles Larger Than 10ml From May 2017
As of May 20th. E-Liquids in bottles larger than 10ml will no longer be available for sale
within Europe due to EU TPD Regulations.
Our remaining stock of 30ml and 50ml E-Liquids are selling out very quickly and when they are gone we are unable to replace them
Young people do not associate e-cigarettes with increased likelihood of smoking
New research suggests availability of e-cigarettes makes smoking appear less attractive to young people, discourages tobacco uptake.
Smoking numbers hit new low as Britons turn to Vaping to help quit cigarettes
New data reveals a significant decline in number of smokers over last five years, while the daily number of cigarettes consumed has also fallen