
Study Squashes Fears Over Secondhand Exposure To Vaping
CigaretteDr. Mauro ScungioE-CigsElectronic CigarettesJournal of Aerosol ScienceSmokersSmokingVapersVapingVapour
A forthcoming study investigating the health impact of aerosol vapour emitted from Electronic Cigarettes shows it poses no meaningful secondhand risks.

More Evidence Suggests E-Cigarettes Help Some Smokers Quit
“Results revealed that greater frequency of e-cigarette use beyond ever use [using one at least once] and especially with 20 or more days of use in the past month was strongly associated with both having made a quit attempt and a greater likelihood of three months or more of cigarette smoking cessation,”

How E-Cigarettes are helping the UK become Smoke Free
BritainCigaretteE-CigarettesNHSQuitting TobaccoShout Out UKSmoke FreeSmokingTobacco CessationUKVapeVaping
The National Health Service in particular has contributed greatly to these amazing results. Electronic cigarettes are now recommended by the NHS as a tobacco cessation treatment. Largely thanks to this, the UK is a country with one of the lowest cigarette consumption rates per capita in Europe, which is really fantastic news!

Smoking numbers hit new low as Britons turn to Vaping to help quit cigarettes
New data reveals a significant decline in number of smokers over last five years, while the daily number of cigarettes consumed has also fallen